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My Animal Body

My Animal Body  POSTCARD (1).png

Movement is our native language and our most primal pathway to healing.

  • What does it mean to dwell IN your sensual animal body?

  • To be soft enough to feel your way through and respond with ease?

  • To BE in your skin?

  • To move from your bones instead of your beliefs?

  • To own your instincts and intuition?

  • To sense your infinite connections with the environment around you?

These are the queries we will explore using the Waves Map, dance, commUNITY & our sensate body alongside a collection of experiments designed to reactivate your inner wisdom and rest your nervous system.

Together, we will build trust in your own ability to be present and responsive to life.

My Animal Body is a call from the wild; an invitation to play with your inborn authenticity and innate ability to navigate the unknown.

We as human animals are designed to respond to the chaos of life... yet most of us are caught in rigid patterns of deflection and defense, tamed by our devices & comforts; assuming rather than seeing what is. Consumed by what was or what might be rather than attuning to

what is right now.


You’re invited to drop the domestication and befriend your feral Self...

Your Animal Body holds so much more than words could  ever express.

MoonMountain Highway
113 W Steuben Street, Bingen, WA, 98605

March 28-30, 2025

FRIDAY: 7-9 pm 
SATURDAY: 11 am - 6 pm
SUNDAY: 1 pm - 5 pm

Crow (Supported) $155 - choose this price if you feel stress each moonth over
income needs.
Hawk (Full Price) $188 - Choose this exchange if you are able to comfortably offer this and not feel any concern about meeting your basic needs.
Raven (Supporter) $222 - Choose this exchange if you have abunDANCE financially and it would feel correct to support commUNITY in attending.

You can also choose a payment plan which offers making two payments, to be complete by workshop end. 
Please email Wyld at if you need further assistance in order to attend.

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